Welcome to this blog

Posted by mfk On 04 - 02 - 2009

Welcome to this blog. I hope that you will get something beneficial in this web the topic that i will post such as music, movie,medical references, meedical stuff, photography and etc. thank you for visiting this blog.

ECG -electrocardiogram

Posted by mfk On 04 - 02 - 2009

An electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease.

10 Situasi Lelaki yang Harus Wanita Fahami

Posted by mfk On 03- 04 - 2009

Apakah situasi2 lelaki yag perempuan harus mengerti dan fahami? Ikuti maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara berkenaan dlm entry berkenaan

Delaying cataract

Posted by mfk On April - 3rd - 2009

What is cataract? How to delay it?

Medical Mnemonic - OnG PART 1

Posted by mfk On Nov - 5 - 2009

what is mnemonic? Definitions of mnemonic a device (such as a rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory; "mnemonic device" for this time being, let have a look at Obstetric Gynaecology Mnemonic

Salam 1 Malaysia,

Kita bukan hanya perlu pandai mengambil gambar tetapi perlu pandai untuk menggunakan software2 tertentu untuk mengedit gambar supaya gambar kelihatan cantik dan marvellous. Antara software yang digunakan adalah photoshop. 

ini adalah tutorial photoshop yang boleh dimuatturun untuk belajar menggunakannya. dan yang lebih mudahnya, ia dalam bahasa melayu

selamat belajar

klik sini untuk download

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